樂愛度假是由一位7年級的女生成立的租屋服務,提供會員租屋,取名為樂愛度假,樂愛取自英語的諧音「love i」,發音相同,是希望每個人都能夠多愛自己,享受生活(love life, enjoy life.);度假是期待每一位在台灣旅遊的朋友們都能夠「玩得開心」,並不是住到漂亮的房間,而是用漂亮的心情遊玩(not beautiful room, is beautiful mood)。藉由溫馨舒適的房間,作為一個休息站,讓旅客更有精神的看見台灣寶島美!
LoveI hostel is established by a young lady who provides sweet home rent. It’s named Le Ai because it sounds like LOVE I, means to love life, enjoy life. I expect the tourists who come to Taiwan take here as a rest stop, by staying here to watch the beautiful Formosa. The most important thing is Le Ai provides not only the beautiful rooms but also beautiful moods. I am looking forward to your visiting.